Difference between Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming


It has the concept of top-down approach. It has the concept of down-top approach.
POP is slower than OOP. OOP is faster than POP.
Program is divided into Function. Program is divided into Object.
POP have the problem of the repetation of similiar codes. OOP helps to keep the C++ code DRY "Don't Repeat Yourself", and makes the code easier to maintain, modify and debug
It doesn't have the concept of Data Inheritance. So the re-usability of the code is not possible. It has the concept of Data Inheritance. So the re-usability of the code is possible.
It doesn't have the concept of Access Specifier. So all the data can be accessed by any function i.e, by default it is public. It has the concept of Access Specifier. By default the data-members and member-functions are private.
It is less secure. Hence not good in terms of Data-Security. It is secure. Hence it is good in terms of Data-Security.
It requires less memory. It requires more memory then POP.
Overloading is not possible. Overloading is possible.

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming language.

Introduction to C++.

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