In "Hybrid Inheritance" we use more than one type of Inheritance at once. It is also known as "Multipath Inheritance".
Basically it is the hybrid of different type of inheritances like "Single Inheritance", "Multiple Inheritance", "Multilevel Inheritance", "Hierarchical Inheritance". We can use any combination as per the requirements. Here we are going to use the most common combination in the Hybrid Inheritance i.e, Hierarchical Inheritance + Multiple Inheritance to understand it.
Example of Hybrid Inheritance
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Parent { protected: int a=10; }; class Child1:virtual public Parent { //We use "virtual" keyword to avoid Ambiguity. protected: int b=8; int G_ab; public: void Greater_ab(){ if(a>b) G_ab=a; else G_ab=b; } }; class Child2:virtual public Parent { protected: int c=12; int G_ac; public: void Greater_ac(){ if(a>c) G_ac=a; else G_ac=c; } };class Child : public Child1, public Child2 { protected: int G; public: void Greater() { if(G_ab>G_ac) G=G_ab; else G=G_ac; cout<<"The Greatest Number is "<<G; } };
int main() { Child x; //'x' is the object of "Child class" x.Greater_ab(); x.Greater_ac(); x.Greater(); }