HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. This is one of the most easiest programming language and it can be learned by anyone because of its simplicity.
- HTML consist of series of elements.
- HTML elements are represented by the tags i.e, HTML works on the "TAGS".
- HTML is used to create the infrastructure of a webpage.
- HTML with CSS and Javascript is used to make a good looking websites.
HTML consist of -
Hyper Text:
It refers to the text which contains the link to the another set of texts(webpage). In HTML the text which contains the link is either highlighted(generally by Blue) or is underlined and that text is called "Hyper Text".
It refers to the special symbols or codes that are inserted into a document to tell the web browser how to display the document data. for example- It tells the server whether the text is BOLD, Italic or Underlined.
It refers that it is a language and have a way to write it i.e, it is standardized. HTML has its own unique way/structure to write the code.
Tags are used to specify that what we want to do. In HTML we use pre-defined tags i.e, its function/work has already been defined.
Syntax: <tag_name> ............ </tag_name>
In a tag we can also add attributes. Attribute is a characteristics, its function is to enhanced the work of a tag. We can add the attribute inside the tags as-
<tag_name attribute="Value"> ................ </tag_name>
<tag_name attribute="Value"> ................ </tag_name>
Four basic tags in HTML-
- <html> tag is used to specify that the written text is an HTML code. It is written on the very top of the CODE.
- <head> tag is used to give the heading to the webpage.
- <title> tag is used to give the title to a webpage.
- <body> tag is the body of the website, it contains all the content like images, videos, text, etc. Whatever you want to display in the webpage, will be written inside the body tag.
Basic Infrastructure of HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html> //tells about the version of HTML<html>
<title> Title of the page </title>
Anything written inside the <body> tag will be shown in the page. There are lot of tags we use to edit the way we write in the Body. Some of them are <h1>, <font>, <br>, <hr>, <p>, etc.

Open your "NOTEPAD" in the system and copy and paste this above code. Change the code as per your wish and explore the possibilities.
Why HTML ?

- HTML is easy to learn.
- With the help of html you can create the infrastructure of any webpage or website.
- It is the best choice if you are a beginner.
- It helps to create the fundamental knowledge of the web designing.
- It supports all web browsers.
Code for "Hello World!" in HTML-
<title> my first webpage</title>
<h1> Hello World! </h1></center>
Open your "NOTEPAD" in the system and copy and paste this above code. Change the code as per your wish and explore the possibilities.
Things To Remember
- All the tags should be written inside the '<' and '>' .
- HTML is not case sensitive which means a tag can be written in "lower case" as well as "upper case".
- HTML file should be saved by the extension " .html ", otherwise the web browser can't access it as an HTML file.
- To end any tag we use '/' following the tag's name. for example- <p>....</p>
To see the our post about the "TAGS" you should know in HTML. Click On TAGS. (NOT AVAILABLE NOW)
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